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Hi - I'm Donna!


...a few fun facts about me...


I'm a night owl - no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to call it a day before midnight....


I was an extra in the movie Dead Poets Society - it was filmed near my college, and

my roommates and I are in the audience of the Shakespeare performance...ask me about Robin Williams'

improv performance for the extras on set!


One of my college roommates had a brother, and I married him...

after dating a few years, taking a 6-year break, then meeting up again in our late 20s...


That brother took me skydiving and I almost jumped without the rip cord! The instructor pulled me back from the edge of the plane to fix it...and I still jumped - I honestly don't know what I was thinking!


Ok  - so let's talk about why you're really here! If you're considering hiring a professional photographer, it's probably for reasons similar to why I'm in this business myself.  Capturing beautiful images is obviously important to me, and has been ever since I got my Kodak 110 back in the 1970s (if you're anywhere near my age you might remember that Kodak Christmas commercial... the package under the tree with a note that said, "Open me first"...that happened to me! And I haven't stopped taking pictures ever since!) 


I love so many different types of photography - I started with landscapes and family/friends, dabbled in travel and sports, spent a lot of time in portraits, and have landed in the world of design and architecture.

The common thread for me is simple:  

capturing something beautiful to share with the world


Sometimes it's because the viewer will be able to go to that monument I photographed - even if it's twenty years from now - and see exactly what I saw when I was there. And other times it's because they CAN'T get to that monument, or get inside the beautiful home they pass on the way to the beach, but I can show the beauty that's inside.


Everyone in the architecture and design business needs to document and market their work. Clients will find you and choose you because of your body of work.


In a visual world, every business needs to literally show their stuff. I'll help you do that.​


It's my absolute joy and passion to document the beauty that you created

and provide you with the visuals you need.

Let's talk about how I can do that for you!

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